Family of the Month August 2022



Three generations of Martin’s family live in this small one-room cement block house. Supplied by his employer at a citrus farm/processor, this structure is home to Martin and his wife Marielena, their seven children, ages two months to twelve years and his father, Martin Sr. 70 years old. Baby Abner was born by C-section and Marielena is still recovering her strength. He was born with a cleft palate and must be bottle-fed with expensive baby formula.

Martin was laid off of work recently when he suffered a serious work-related hand injury. But even when he works his usual 8-hour six-day work week he only brings home $390 a month. He and his father worked all of their lives as farmers in the comarca, but they moved to the area a few years ago so he could earn more money for his family.

Martin and Marielena are good parents; their happy, fun-loving and respectful children are testaments to the loving atmosphere in which they’ve been raised. Martin told us how much this BVB food means to them, and his wife and kids told us even more with their big smiles.

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